Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July

The girls had a blast this 4th of July. We celebrated with friends and were blessed with great weather. The kids played outside in the sprinkler and actually told us they were cold, what a great comment considering it is JULY! We had great food and I made patriotic cheesecakes for the occasion (such an easy recipe from my sweet mother in law). The girls enjoyed homemade ice-cream and Claire held her first sparkler and loved it.
Happy 4th Hannie!

Enjoying homemade ice-cream

Gracie ready to get into the sprinklers

My patriotic cheesecakes


This must be her signature pose

Playing in the sprinkler

Being silly

Holding her first sparkler

She loved it

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