Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday GG!

This week we celebrated Granny's birthday with a girls spa day. We splurged and had spa pedicures and then took Granny out to lunch. I had to post these pictures of Claire getting her first professional nail treatment. She loved it and even picked out her nail polish color. Later in the day Claire and GG celebrated with cupcakes. My grandma is amazing and is so active with her great-grandaughters. Claire and Grace adore her and I can't wait for Hannah to meet her in the fall. We love you very much Grandma Kelley!!


  1. Those little toes... Adorable!

  2. Love your blog Kelli.I'm not on facenook so this is brest. Love your girls. They are so precious
