Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

California Day 1

Sleeping on the plane ride over.

We headed out to California this past week to celebrate my little brother's wedding. The flight went well but we also had my parents and my granny to help us out. Gracie slept most of the time and Claire did much better at entertaining herself the whole flight. This was probably due to knowing that the last time she was on a plane it took her someplace fun and new where she got lots of love and attention (our trip to Michigan). We landed, rented a van, and drove to my Granny's beach house in San Clemente. These are some pictures of Claire building sand castles with her Papi (grandpa) and holding her first sand crab. Claire loved playing in the sand and running all over my grandma's house. She was not a big fan of the cold ocean water, but I can't blame her. She spent most of her time in the warm sand ordering her Papi to bring her buckets of water from the ocean to play with.

She loved holding the sand crab and kept petting it very gently.

You can see Gran's beach house in the far upper right corner. It's the one on the hill.

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