Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Claire is 5

My baby just turned 5 and I still can't believe it! She wanted a How to Train your Dragon party this year because she loves the dragon Toothless. She loves the Toothless character so much she asked for a Toothless costume for her birthday. So without any sewing I put together a costume for her to wear. I put little flying dragons on the ceiling for her and she requested chocolate cake. She loved all her gifts but the most special was the one she chose out. She received a lot of birthday money from her Michigan family and with it she bought her very own Toothless doll from Build-a-Bear. She wore her costume to get her new doll and she had a blast. It was fun to see her so in love with her new toy. 

Claire never ceases to amaze and surprise me. She is quite the smarty pants around here and we just love hearing what she is going to say next. She loves playing with her sisters and carrying her little brother everywhere. She never passes up dessert and loves to draw and create. She loves hot chocolate when it's cold outside, sitting by a warm fire, swimming, eating popcorn while watching movies, building forts/tents, dancing, riding her bike, playing with her friends, writing letters, receiving letters, and being cuddled. She loves to tell me she is growing up fast and that soon she will have her own house and family. When I give her a sad face, she reassures me that she will visit and take me grocery shopping. Claire is keeping us on our toes with her questions about faith, God, and sin. She was asking Jason the other night how God created himself. She is always asking about salvation and when will she know if she is going to heaven. I love talking to her about Christ and I love all her questions. What a privilege to be able to evangelize my sweet baby and tell her about Jesus. I pray that one day she will serve Jesus with all her heart, mind, and soul and find her true joy in Him alone. 

Our friend Gigi made this for Claire

An edible Toothless dragon

Following the dragons to her birthday breakfast

Opening her gifts

The costume

Toothless picking out her Toothless doll

She is in love

Stuffing him

Cleaning him

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