Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hannah is already 1 month old!! Her big sisters love holding her and playing with her. Gracie calls her Nanna and pats her on the head and gives her sweet kisses. Claire is great at getting Hannah to smile and is a big help in soothing her sister when she cries. She knows how to put the pacifier in her mouth and bounce her to keep her from fussing. My sweet Gracie is now walking and as of yesterday she is walking more than she is crawling. After church today she was able to walk to the car holding onto my hand and then she crawled into the van on her own. It made such a huge difference to have her walking instead of me carrying her. What a big milestone for my little 15 month old Gracie :)

Enjoying a Christmas cookie from her Papi

The big sisters entertaining baby Hannah

Hannah's first smile with her big sister Claire

Hannah at 1 month
We are having so much fun with our sweet baby girl!

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