Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Gone!

My sweet baby boy was born with long locks of dark hair. Over the last 6 months his hair had gotten so long that his daddy kept saying he looked, 'goofy'. Ok, so maybe it did look a little goofy but I still didn't want to cut his hair. So on Saturday, his dad decided it was time and yes I shed just one tear watching all that hair come off. Luke looks like an entirely different baby now. He had more hair the day he was born that he does now. Well, all that to say I really do love his new hair-do. He definitely looks more masculine with his short hair.
That was only some of his hair

After daddy cut his hair then he took out the trimmers

It's a first-trimming your 6 month olds hair!

My different baby

As my brother said, "What a stud"

6 months and a new look

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