Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Monday, July 21, 2014

My sweet little ones

This summer is already going by so fast. We have been enjoying pretty nice weather for July. This week we even had a cold front that brought the temperatures down and allowed us to be outdoors most of the day. Luke is almost 3 months and he is still easy going. Three days this past week he decided to sleep 12 hours!!! I almost didn't know what to do with myself in the mornings while I was waiting for him to wake up and eat :) His hair is getting longer and lately people have been saying he is sporting an Elvis hair-do. He loves to smile and talk with everyone, especially Claire. He loves it when she sings to him. It is so precious to watch. Claire started back up with our reading lessons and was very excited after she read her first two BOB books all by herself. She has read 4 total now and seems ready to read more. What a treat to hear and watch her beginning to read. I'm excited what this next school year will hold for her. Gracie decided to attempt potty training again and has been very successful this past week. Hopefully it keeps up and I can eliminate one set of diapers from the changing table. Hannah is getting more talkative and starting to really play well with her older sisters. I love watching the three of them play together. The girls were in heaven this past Friday when they got to meet Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Our local library did a Frozen party with lots of games, crafts, food, and of course story and music time with Anna and Elsa. 

My sweet little man

Read her first 2 BOB books!!

Singing to Luke

I love this picture of my sweet Gracie

Here's my Hannah

Meeting the princesses

Wish this hadn't turned out so blurry, oh well

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