Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Luke is 1

Just like that, my baby boy turned one! It went by incredibly fast and now he is my big boy.  We did just a small family party for him at home and used decorations leftover from Claire's party. It worked out well considering Claire had a How to Train Your Dragon theme. So we had a dragon theme and I used a little Toothless toy to put on his cake. The girls decorated his cake with green sprinkles and mini chocolate chips. It actually looked like dragon landscape, grass and rocks. Luke didn't really like his cake and ended up throwing it on the floor. He loved his gifts though. What a precious boy the Lord has given our family.

singing happy birthday to him

One his new truck that sings when he pulls the lever

His Toothless cake

Opening gifts from Michigan family

He loved playing with all the packaging

cars, a new bear, and sword

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