Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Gracie is 3!

Grace Marie is 3 and I can't believe it. She is so special and dear to my heart, and she is affectionately known as my Mexi baby. She is the only one who is darker like me, she has the dark skin and dark eyes like her mommy. She loves to be different from her sisters, and is so much more independent than my other girls. She rarely comes to me for help but is a do-it-yourself type of gal. She loves singing, dancing, dressing up, riding her princess bike, and wearing bling. She is usually dressed down to the accessories every morning when I go to get the girls up. If she could she would wear her fancy church dresses everyday and wear a tiara whenever she goes out. Her favorite thing is lipgloss, lipstick, or even chapstick, as long as it is something she can lather on her lips she is happy. Even though she loves the girlie things in life she also has no problem getting dirty. She loves to be cuddled before bed and before her nap she usually requests that I sing her Great is thy Faithfulness. What a precious blessing my Gracie is to our family. I am so grateful for the 3 years God has so graciously granted us with our beautiful Grace.

Picking out her rings

Norah, Jane, and Grace

Enjoying her purple cupcake

All of us on the birthday girl date

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