Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Our new gate

As a gift to me, Jason built a gate for our backyard. We have a wrap around driveway to the back of our home and I have often hinted at wanting a gate so I can let the kids run free and not have to worry about them heading to the street. We were going through our house to-do list and he asked what my top priority was, so of course I said I would love a gate. So my sweet hubby built it for me. The girls had a great time watching him build the gate and fence over the course of a week. Now I can send my girls out to the backyard by themselves; it has been so nice and freeing :)

The finished gate

Look at Claire's pose in this picture :)

The girls loved watching him build the fence and gate.

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