Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hannie is 1

I can't believe my baby is already 1! It went by fast, like it always does. We just did a small family birthday breakfast for her. She ate sticky buns and lots of berries before opening her gifts. Claire, with the help of a sweet friend, made Hannah a strawberry birthday cake. She was so proud of the fact she had made the cake and decorated it. Hannah has been such a sweet blessing to our family and we are so undeserving of all of our girls. Now I can say that I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 1year old!! Life is busy but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know this season will fly by and before I know it my little girls will be little women. So for now I get to just enjoy every moment with my 3 babies.
The home-made strawberry cake made by Claire

The birthday girl wearing her Hello Kitty crown

Playing with her new toy from Papi and BB

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