Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oma and Opa came to visit

The girls were thrilled to find out their grandparents (Oma and Opa) were coming to visit. They enjoyed every minute of the constant attention they received. They went on walks, played at the park, played outside, went to Botanical Gardens, and soaked in every moment. This trip came at a great time for me as I was just starting to feel the full force of my fatigue and nausea in my first trimester. What a blessing to have so much help. It also helped the girls this time to know they will be seeing their Oma and Opa again after Christmas. This definitely minimized the tears when they had to say good-bye. 

All dressed for church

Being silly

Oma, Opa, and the girls


Thanks to Opa, we were able to get a family shot.

Turtle watching at the Botanical Gardens

All tired out at the mall

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