Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Gracie accessorizing 
Hannie big enough to drive

Claire and Grace

Showing off her sand art and balloon lion

Ah, spaghetti night

Sweet Gracie

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The big news....

God has blessed us with 3 beautiful girls and now we have the joy of looking forward to our 4th blessing. Kruis baby number 4 will be (God willing) joining our family in late April early May. The first question Claire asked me was if it was a boy :) We will see...
It's official

Our 3 beautiful blessings

Our final evening

For our last evening we did a picnic dinner on the beach and stayed until sunset. The girls played and we all enjoyed our final sunset together. We had a wonderful time with Grandma and hopefully we will get to go back out there next summer.

Happy Hannie after eating all her strawberries

Bundled up and staying warm in Auntie Katie's jacket

Our final sunset

Playing the sand together

The Disneyland Day!

Granny decided to take us all to Disneyland so after a birthday pancake breakfast for Gracie (since Monday was her real birthday) we headed out. We rode the Winnie the Pooh ride and got to see Tigger and Winnie before heading towards Fantasy Land. The girls loved riding the carousel and Dumbo and meeting the princesses. We got great spots to watch the parade and the girls had the best reactions during the whole parade. It was such a fun day and the girls are still talking about it.
Gracie at her birthday breakfast

Posing with Cinderella

Claire was so nervous meeting Sleeping Beauty, it was sweet to watch.

All my girls LOVE Winnie!

In line at the Winnie the Pooh ride

Hannie loved the carousel

Granny did all the rides with us.

Peter Pan was so sweet to Claire and even gave her a flower.

Cali (Day 3)

Sunday we visited a great church called Compass Bible Church and heard a fantastic sermon. After church Claire and Katie went to the beach, Gracie and Hannie napped, Daddy relaxed, and Granny and I chatted and made potato salad for Gracie's birthday party. My cousins and my Aunt drove down to celebrate Gracie's party. They brought a ton of yummy food, gifts, and even painting crafts for everyone. The girls had a great time meeting my California family. Gracie loved eating her cake and played with her new gifts until bed time. 

Some of the girls posing on the deck

Grandma and my Uncle Mark (a dear family friend)

Me cutting the cake my Aunt brought.

Gracie enjoying her birthday cake.

Wearing her special birthday headband and accessories.

Cali (Day 2)

 Saturday we headed to Sea World for the day. We rented strollers and headed to the kid play area. The girls climbed, bounced, and played until lunch. After lunch we saw a show and then took the girls to feed the sea lions, see the sharks, touch the bat rays, and go on some rides. 

Feeding the sea lions

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Claire and GG at the show

Hannie and Auntie Katie

Gracie playing in the kid area

Claire loved running through these in the kid area.
Claire loved touching the bat rays

Gracie riding the rides with Daddy

Our California Vacation (Day 1)

 My sweet Granny flew all of us out to California to spend a fun and busy week with her. We arrived thursday evening and first thing Friday morning the girls were all over her house and deck exploring. They loved sitting on the kitchen sun seat, playing in the same kitchen cabinet I played in as a little girl, and running all over the deck. We heard Granny's two sliders opening and closing constantly as Grace and Claire explored. It was special to watch my girls play were I used to play as a child. After a big waffle breakfast we all headed to the beach to play. The girls loved the sand and Claire loved the cold ocean water. Her Aunt Katie would hold her and they would go waist deep into the ocean and let the waves splash against them. Gracie never got brave enough to go in the water but rather wanted us to bring her the water in a bucket. 

The girls on the sun seat, this was Hannie's favorite spot

Getting buried in the sand

Fun in the sand with GG

The girls were always making 'sand soup'

The beach view from GG's deck

Playing in the kitchen