Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stock Show

We took the girls to the Stock Show today and they had a great time. We watched a magic show, ate cotton candy and popcorn, saw lots of animals, and went to a petting zoo. Claire is such a big animal lover, she couldn't get enough of the goats, llamas, and rabbits at the petting zoo. Both girls enjoyed watching chicks hatching and looking at all the cows. It was such a Texas outing.

At the magic show with their friend Lily

Trying to hug this goat

She loved petting the goats

The goats loved her

Hannie safe in her stroller

Gracie looking at the roosters

Walking around with Grandma Zepeda and my dad

so sweet

Papi with a sleeping Gracie on his back

petting a chicken

Papi and Gracie

petting a goat

hugging yet another goat

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