Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Friday, September 4, 2015


We finally did it! The Kruis girls got haircuts that were so needed! They must have taken off at least 6 inches from Claire and Gracie only got a trim. This was Gracie's first haircut ever and she seemed to enjoy it.
The before

and after

This is Gracie

All done

Claire and Luke

Posing with her new cut

Gracie showing off her new style

Grace is 4

My sweet Gracie turned 4 in August and she requested a pink sleeping beauty cake and pancakes for dinner. We started off our day by renting a movie, then getting french fries and frosted lemonades for lunch. Then we had pancakes for dinner, watched the movie she picked out, opened gifts and ate cake. She got an Elsa doll and black high heels from us. She was so excited about the high heels that she didn't take them off for a whole week and even slept with them at night. She has already mastered running in them.
birthday breakfast: yogurt parfaits

and strawberry milk

Drinking their frosted lemonade

The hot pink cake

opening her gifts

Her new high heels

Blowing out her candle

Daddy serving up the cake


All pink from the cake


Fireworks for the 4th of July

This one sent the girls running indoors for cover

At the children's museum

The carousal 

Luke's first time riding by himself

Daddy and Luke

Staying cool this summer

Wow, this summer went by fast so here are few pictures from our hot summer. We did lots of water activities this summer, the kids learned basic swimming, enough so we could have fun in the pool with all of them (without using any floaties). We enjoyed pools, the zoo splash pad, sundance square water fountains, sprinklers in the back yard, and much more.
Luke loves playing in the water

Gracie and BB

Claire and Daddy in the waterfall

Sundance square

Pool side with friends

New swimsuits

Gracie and her popsicle

Staying cool at Sundance Square