Striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman to my sweet husband and my growing family.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Talking on the phone

Claire spent about ten minutes talking on the phone with her Papi (grandpa) so I just had to record a little bit.

The rough translation: How are you Papi? Good? Yeah, have a good day? Sleeping? Yes, I'm right here and mommy is taking pictures and she said smile and she said I'm talking. Bye, be back soon.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hannah Joy Kruis

At my last appointment I got to see my youngest daughter and enjoyed watching her open and close her mouth, rub her chin with her hands, and open and close her eyes. Hannah weighs 3 lbs now :)

Singing and Dancing

Gracie singing with great facial expressions. I think she does that because that's exactly what Claire does when she sings and Miss Grace has been watching her.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting Healthy

I have not posted much of anything lately because after our trip to California our household has been battling sickness. We finished up with one virus only to be led right into another one. The girls battled cough, colds, and ear infections but finally they are back to their normal happy, healthy selves. My mom and I are finishing up with the virus that the girls shared with us and are on the road to recovery. All the coughing I did these past 8 days upset Miss Hannah and started some more contractions but again, they are under control and we have turned a corner. These past weeks of sickness allowed me to encourage my girls as well as myself that being sick is not an excuse to feel sorry for yourself but instead a chance to work at finding joy in Christ. I had to remind Claire that feeling sick doesn't mean it's ok to act disobedient or irritable but instead even in our sickness we need to strive for holiness and not give into sin. It was a good reminder for me as well to dwell on all the blessings I have and remember that God is sovereign over everything that happens to me and my family including health, sickness, and early contractions. It is always comforting to know that God is in complete control of our lives. 

so happy to be done with her ear infections

My sweet, snotty baby :)